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Super cool sites:
Bookmarks: Just some cool/useful stuff :D
Google fonts - Various different fonts you can use in your site Imood - A website that lets you display your current mood on your site Learn.Sadgrl.Online - A website full of tutorials and guides to coding Blinkies cafe - A website that lets you make your own blinkies with premade backgrounds Picasion glitter text maker - A website that lets you make glitter text to add some flair to your site Online image editor - An image editor with plently of options, including 12 pages of different glitters to add to your images Character "marriage" - A fake character "marriage" site (you're not limited to marriage, you can choose what to write) Sadgrl layout builder - A layout builder that's perfect for when you need a helping hand with coding Cliqued! - A website with multiple cliques you can join and add to your site Bonnibels graphic collection - A huge collection of different fun graphics Autism.carrd - A carrd with lots of cute graphics, and a bookmarks page that leads to similar graphics sites Dust: mini cliques - A website with some cute cliques to join
I have to put the jellyworld webring here since its code breaks some of the other webring i have